The essential information you need to know about learning and behavioural difficulties.
Lifestyle insight
Your child is not alone, as many as 1 in 10 children may experience learning difficulties. Learn what they are so you can quickly identify if your child may need help.
Lifestyle insight
There are no cures or quick fixes for learning difficulties, but there are steps you can take to begin the process.
Lifestyle insight
A child may struggle with schooling or paying attention, but if this is a problem that is not resolving over time they may be struggling with a learning difficulty.
Lifestyle insight
How healthy is your child's diet? Here are 5 tips to establishing healthy habits to make sure your child is getting a nutrient rich diet.
Lifestyle insight
Lifestyle insight
Clinical insight
The brain is a bodily organ, just like the heart, liver, kidneys and lungs. As such, it needs a healthy environment to work properly
Lifestyle insight
Lifestyle insight
Discover what makes us different to other supplements.
Everything we do is based on rigorous testing. We are continuously advancing our understanding of essential fatty acids and how they work. Our products are clinically researched so we are confident that we can pass on benefits to you.
The quality of supplements can vary based on the consistency of the ingredient used and the precise care taken at each step of the production process. At Equazen®, quality and consistency is ensured from sourcing all the way through to shipping.
We know that essential fatty acids provide benefits for each phase of your life. That’s why we produce specific formulations to meet the changing needs of each life stage.*